Immediately following the local header for a file
SHOULD be placed the compressed or stored data for the file.
If the file is encrypted, the encryption header for the file
SHOULD be placed after the local header and before the file
data. The series of [local file header][encryption header]
[file data][data descriptor] repeats for each file in the
.ZIP archive.
Zero-byte files, directories, and other file types that
contain no content MUST not include file data.
4.3.8 File data
Immediately following the local header for a file SHOULD be placed the compressed or stored data for the file. If the file is encrypted, the encryption header for the file SHOULD be placed after the local header and before the file data. The series of [local file header][encryption header] [file data][data descriptor] repeats for each file in the .ZIP archive.
Zero-byte files, directories, and other file types that contain no content MUST not include file data.